すわんど(Suwa Sound Studio)
〒330-9111 埼玉県さいたま市中央区新都心8 さいたまスーパーアリーナ5F
開場 18:30 / 開演 19:00
前売 3,000円(税込)
当日 3,500円(税込)
【日本の原風景を音で奏でる】をテーマに日本音楽を作り続ける、和太鼓奏者[ 達-TATSU- ]と 作詞作曲家[ 春-HARU- ]による夫婦音楽家。
Mahoroba, a Japanese musical duo who express "traditional Japanese landscapes" through their music. Mahoroba are made up of TATSU, who plays Wa-daiko (Japanese drums) and HARU, their singer and songwriter. They were born in FUKUI prefecture, a land renowned for its beautiful seas and lush mountains. Nurtured within such a rich environment, TATSU and HARU have grown sensitive to nature's song, and echo it within their own.
Japanese Drums / Composition / Arrangement
福井県の伝統を継承する和太鼓一家に生まれる。17歳でプロ邦楽集団を立ち上げ、作詞・作曲・総合プロデュースを担い、日本のみならず海外での活動も行う。(YAMAHA主催イベントにて数々の受賞・myspace着うたランキング2位獲得・海外ツアー等) ソロ奏者に転身後、日本芸能のスペシャリストが集結する団体にて様々なステージを共にする。2013年にはミュージカル「バクマツ。」(作・演出/川本昭彦)にて、全編作曲・編曲・演奏を務め好評を得る。
TATSU was born into a family with a longstanding tradition for playing Japanese drums. He established a professional music group when he was only 17 years old. Now, not only has he performed in Japan, but he also travelled overseas to do so as well. After becoming a soloist, TATSU made guest appearances at various concerts, such as a Tetsuro Naito performance, (Tetsuro Naito is a member of the Japanese drums group, " Kodo") or with professional traditional Japanese entertainers "DONGARA." In 2013, TATSU featured in the musical "BAKU MATSU," working as a composer, arranger, and performer, from which he won much added popularity.
Lyrics and Vocals / Composition / Arrangement
中島美嘉、CHEMISTRY、坂本真綾、Little Glee Monster などメジャーアーティストへの楽曲提供、CMソングの制作なども手がける作詞作曲家。 多様なコンピレーションアルバムへの参加や、LOVE PSYCHEDELICO 武道館ライブのコーラスに抜擢されるなど、ボーカリストとしても活躍する。出身は福井県で、まほろばの楽曲に多く見られる「言葉を唱える」ような歌詞は、呪術医(まじない師)であった祖父からの影響であり、独自の世界観をつくり上げている。
HARU writes songs for famous Japanese performers, such as Mika Nakashima, CHEMISTRY, Maaya Sakamoto, Little Glee Monster, as well as for commercial advertising. HARU is also a talented vocalist, appearing on many compilation albums, and was selected for LOVE PSYCHEDELICO's performance at BUDOKAN as a backing vocalist. Mahoroba's lyrics are stylised with a "read aloud" feel, in part because HARU's grandfather was a witch doctor, and his philosophies and teachings greatly influenced her world view and performance.
『 samurai-e.co.jp 』